Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Chicks have Hatched!

It's been a busy couple of days in the backyard chicken farm! Our babies have arrived!! They needed a bit of help to get hatched - I think the humidity was a bit low or unsteady so their membranes were too dry. I carefully helped them pip their shells, and it wasn't long before we had all 10 babies drying in the incubator.

They are all eating and drinking well and are just the cutest little fluffballs ever. There is one little guy with a gimpy leg. After researching the common issues with leg problems in chicks, I have ruled out slipped tendon and splayed leg. He just can't put one leg down at all. I think we will try a brace for him and see if it helps at all. His new name: Hoppy...of course! It will be really fun to watch these guys grow up into big little chickens.


Dominic.Romer said...

I love your brooder.

Jen said...

I, too, think the brooder is great! In fact, I'm going to make one just like it - thanks!! The babies are soooooooooooo darn CUTE!!! Thanks for the pic. Oh, how precious is Hoppy!! Will be looking for updates!