Wednesday, December 26, 2007

All I wanted for Christmas WAS....

My girls have let me eggs for Christmas. Sigh. Well, there's always next week, I suppose! Either that, or it's dumplings for New Years! I'm just kidding of course...

In other news Santa brought me my outdoor webcam for Christmas, so now I can broadcast either live video of the outdoor pen OR the indoor brooders!

The Silkies are 7 weeks old now, and need to go outside SOON! Since the weather man is calling for well above freezing temps over the next week, tomorrow may be moving day for them. I know they will be very happy to get out of their cramped brooder! My only worry is Little Hoppy. She is still only about half the size of the others, but is growing stronger and much better at getting around now. I suppose I can always try moving them out and if it doesn't work out, they can come back in.

The new babies turned one week old today! They are already getting their wing feathers coming in and it won't be long before I have to put the lid over the brooder to keep them from flying all over the house. They are so cute!