The silkies moved out today into the ChickNBarn and attached run. They are SOOOO happy to have room to stretch and run and scratch. I think they will be fine with the temps. They definately are not having any problems with the 52 degrees we have right now! I've put a heat lamp into the barn where they will go at night to give them a little extra warmth while they adjust to the outdoors.
My only concern at this point is little Hoppy. I'll have to watch her closely over the next few days to make sure she is eating and drinking and is able to maneuver around the coop. Cross your fingers for her! One thing is already sure - she is able to get around a LOT easier on the ground than in the shavings of the brooder, so that is a good sign! In my last post, I mistakenly said they were seven weeks old. Actually, they have just passed the six week mark. It just FELT like an eternity that they were in the brooder here in my office!