Monday, February 4, 2008

Growing up.....chicken

It's a dreary day here but the chickens don't seem to mind! They are all out and about scratching around in the mud and rain. I'm looking forward to spring, warmer temperatures and growing things.

I sent four of the Barred Rock babies home with a fellow 'BackYardChickens' forum member on Sunday. She took two of the baby roos and two girls home with her on her way through to near Raleigh. That leaves me 15 of the baby Barred Rock/Buff Orp hatch left here, crammed in with the nine Silkies. I'll be very glad when they get a little bit bigger and can hold their own with the big girls so they can go out into the larger space.

We are getting an average of 6 eggs a day now from the big girls. We have at least one laying double yolked eggs, too. The eggs are so yummy and rich tasting, and such a nice dark yolk color. "Breakfast for Dinner" is becoming one of our favorite meals around here lately! Plus it's nice to have some extra eggs to share with friends and family.