Monday, January 14, 2008

There's a Dead Body in the Creek??!!?? Oh, and our FIRST EGG!!

Yesterday was a very exciting day around our house!

Sometime between 10am and noon, one of our girls laid us the VERY FIRST EGG!! It is a perfect small brown egg - we were SO excited we did the happy egg dance! Jacob was the lucky finder of the first egg. We THINK that it was Donna the Dominque that laid it for us. Now the wait is on for Egg #2....

In other news.....

Settle in and get ready to hear about my spooky evening last night!

Last night about 10:30 I was sitting here at my PC when my daughter (11) comes in crying. After a few min of 'what's wrong' she finally says.....

'There's a dead body in the creek!'
Now, we live on 5 acres and there is a creek running through the property. The kids like to go down there and play and they were down there yesterday afternoon for a little while, but came back pretty soon - usually they linger around for hours playing.

Me: "Are you SURE it wasn't a nightmare?"
DD: "No, it's a dead body - Jacob (9 yr old brother) saw it too"
Me: "What EXACTLY did you see?"
DD: "a pair of jeans and a hooded sweatshirt and it's got a body inside"
Me: "So WHY are you just NOW telling me this?"
DD: "I didn't want to ruin our good day since we got our first egg today and and everything"

Geez - kid logic. Anyway....

By this time, my hubby has come in there and after a bit more questioning of where she saw this 'dead body' we figure we have to go check it out. In the immortal words of my hubby "it was a 'Stand By Me' moment"

Off through the brambles we go with a mini maglight and it's a DARK night - no moon.We wander down by the creek to the place I think she's describing, and tentatively shine the flashlight down and we see this:
Now, keep in mind that it is now 11pm at night and we only have a small mini-mag flashlight. It was a very surreal moment, to say the least! Thankfully, upon closer inspection, we realize that it is a very real looking Halloween dummy where someone has stuffed a pair of pants and a shirt. The recent heavy rain must have washed it down from somewhere else.

WHEW! Talk about relief!!
So, we come back in and explain to our daughter that it THANKFULLY isn't a dead body and that next time they think they find a dead body in the woods they REALLY need to tell us BEFORE 10:30 at night.

Now for the REST of the story....Turns out there wasn't 1 'dead body', but 2 'dead bodies'!As I was out there this morning taking these pics, I came back through the creek and saw this:

THIS is the one the kids saw - they didn't go past this one to see the one that my hubby and I saw last night.Thankfully, it wasn't any real dead people! And, now we have a great new family story 'remember when you thought you found a dead body in the creek??'