The peep gang turned two weeks old today and BOY have they grown already! Some of them are already starting to get the bare spot on the top of their heads that will be their big-girl combs, and most all now have tail feathers coming in. It's interesting to see the size differences between the different varieties and also between two chicks of the same variety.
The smallest variety is definately the Golden Campines - they are quite noticably smaller than the others. You can recognize them from their brownish color. They are getting the prettiest feathers in their wings. The largest variety is the Dominiques and the Wyandottes fall somewhere in the middle.
There are a couple of the chicks that are showing their people-personalities already. "Crystal" is one of our silver Wyandottes and she is always happy to hop up in my hand for some attention, while most of the others are running the other way. The picture to the right is Crystal sitting up high on her favorite perch.
The largest chick of all is one of the Dominques and she is also pretty friendly and is starting to assert her authority over the others. It will be interesting to see if the 'pecking order' they are establishing now will hold as they mature.
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