Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Is it already July!?!
I've been making more updates over at the ChickNCam home page, so you can visit there for the very latest news.
Only another 6 weeks left for summer vacation...... boo hoo!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Hatch news!
The peafowl eggs continue to develop well - the first batch is due out on the 15th and the rest on the 25th.
I'm so glad to say we have a new addition to our family! Lily is a Great Pyrenees and is a 7 wk old ball of fluff! She is so sweet and is already showing the fierce bonding and loyalty known in the breed. She seems to be a very laid-back and smart pup and has just fit right in. She spends a lot of her day taking her puppy naps on my feet under my desk - so cute! We are enjoying sitting with her in our laps while we can - she will be a very large dog when she gets fully grown.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Spring has officially SPRUNG!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Latest Musings...the Blessings of having Chickens
Our peafowl have settled in nicely. It's great to see them out there scratching around in the yard and enjoying their space and the 'Peacock Palace' as their shelter has been dubbed. Of course, when talking about Peafowl, the most amazing thing about them is the peacock's mating display! Our male is dancing and displaying daily now for the girls, as it's spring, and that's egg laying time for peahens. I've included a picture here of his beautiful display.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Peafowl and Coop Improvements... Spring is coming!
The baby chickens are all doing well and are growing really fast now, and we'll be moving the ones that will be staying with us long-term into the coop with the big girls in a couple more weeks. I did take some time this past week to raise up the small pen's ChickNBarn on stilts. When the barn was on the ground, it was very hard to clean, but now it is much easier with the wire floor and it being elevated. It's taken a week of literally putting the chickens to bed to get them used to going up the ramp, but I think they are FINALLY starting to get the hang of it on their own.
In other poultry news...we have added a trio of peafowl to our menagerie. Unfortunatly their run is out of ChickNCam range, but if the tax man is nice to me, maybe I can get another camera for their area soon! The peafowl are 'Purple Black-shouldered Silver White-eyed Pied' and are really beautiful. They took a few days to get adjusted to live at our house, but are settling in nicely now and enjoying the pretty and warm days we've had over this past week. The picture does not do them justice - this was the first night they came home to us and they were a bit nervous in the dark and in their new surroundings
Monday, February 4, 2008
Growing up.....chicken
I sent four of the Barred Rock babies home with a fellow 'BackYardChickens' forum member on Sunday. She took two of the baby roos and two girls home with her on her way through to near Raleigh. That leaves me 15 of the baby Barred Rock/Buff Orp hatch left here, crammed in with the nine Silkies. I'll be very glad when they get a little bit bigger and can hold their own with the big girls so they can go out into the larger space.
We are getting an average of 6 eggs a day now from the big girls. We have at least one laying double yolked eggs, too. The eggs are so yummy and rich tasting, and such a nice dark yolk color. "Breakfast for Dinner" is becoming one of our favorite meals around here lately! Plus it's nice to have some extra eggs to share with friends and family.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Sad News....
Working with Hoppy was always a roll of the dice from the beginning. Many experienced chicken folk would have told me to euthanize her once her infirmity was apparent at a day old. I couldn't bring myself to euthanize a chick that was otherwise very healthy, and just needed a little extra help to get to the food.
Once they moved out to the coop, she was doing really well with her eating, and actually had started to grow a bit more, but never did seem to have a zest for life like the other chicks. While they were out scratching around in the run, she would be huddled in the corner of the barn, just sitting. I don't know how aware chickens are of their own quality of life, but I just didn't think she was a happy chicken, and many times I had second thoughts about whether I made the right decision in giving her so much support those first few weeks.
Sometime during the night, her fight ended. RIP, little Hoppy!
Monday, January 14, 2008
There's a Dead Body in the Creek??!!?? Oh, and our FIRST EGG!!
Last night about 10:30 I was sitting here at my PC when my daughter (11) comes in crying. After a few min of 'what's wrong' she finally says.....
'There's a dead body in the creek!'
Monday, January 7, 2008
22 weeks and counting.....
Their combs are red, they are squatting for us and they have a light on in their coop in the early morning to extend the daylight hours. I suppose this is another lesson in patience for me, who needs so much help with being patient!
The new babies are growing fast - I separated them into two brooder pens yesterday, as 19 chicks in one pen had gotten to look like wall-to-wall feather carpeting. Now we just wait to see how many girls and boys we have. The cockerels will have to find new homes but the girls will become part of our flock or will go to a friend.
The silkies are still growing like crazy too. We had the coldest weather of the year last week, and they did great outside with their heat lamp in the coop. They are nothing now but little moving piles of fluff - too cute! When I find 5 extra minutes I'll grab some pictures to post. In the meantime, you can watch on the Chick-N-Cam. I'm broadcasting the outdoor pen during the day and the brooder after dark.